Pre and Post Surgical Therapy
Surgery is always a major concern and trauma to the body, regardless of its aim and duration. As a result, we might be weak, in pain, immobilized, and, very often, anxious about our recovery, in particular about being unable to return to our pre-injury activity level. It is a scientific fact that the success of your treatment depends mostly on you, and what you do before a procedure and during your post-op recovery period.
If your doctor recommends physical therapy, there certainly is a good reason for that – it works. All the benefits of physical therapy after surgery are increasingly backed up by professional studies and evaluations. It strengthens the body core, supports muscle functionality, and enhances overall mobility, in particular, that of the affected body part(s). Rehabilitation improves blood circulation and aids cellular oxygenation which as a result reduces pain and accelerates the overall recovery.
Get ready for a procedure and then a quick post-surgical recovery
Based on the evidence, two to three weeks of pre-surgical rehabilitation can significantly accelerate the recovery process. When planning your procedure, consider attending physical therapy beforehand to prepare your body for the coming surgery as well as the necessary recovery time. It will help you to strengthen your body, particularly the muscles around the joint that will be operated on. Your therapist will also teach you how to use a cane or crutches or any assistive device you might need later.

Post-surgical treatment in most cases based on your surgeon’s protocol
Our experienced physical therapists, working one on one with each patient, effectively communicating with a surgeon, and using the most advanced equipment, have outstanding results in the most effective post-surgical recovery.
Help to eliminate post-surgical complications
A physical therapy program, customized to a patient’s unique needs, and provided under the care of a highly qualified and experienced therapist, is a crucial part of post-surgery care to avoid and prevent possible complications.
If you have questions, or doubts, or are experiencing anxiety or apprehension concerning your upcoming procedure, please, do not hesitate and talk to your provider. And, most importantly, do not delay. Rest assured, that the primary objectives of all involved – you, as the patient, your specialists’ performing the procedure, and ours, the physical therapy clinic remain in accord: to restore your quality of life, and functionality, and allow you to return to the most meaningful activity levels in the shortest time possible. We are here for you and your post-operative condition and well-being are the measures of our success.

- Back, neck, shoulder, elbow, knee, ankle/foot post-injury surgeries (Sx)
- Knee, hip, shoulder, ankle – post-joint replacement surgery
- Shoulder, knee post arthroscopic surgery
- Complications post abdominal, chest, or pelvic floor surgery