Work Conditioning
If you have had an accident resulting in an injury requiring treatment and rehabilitation, you may need the additional, special physical therapy, known as Work Conditioning Program. Work conditioning is an integral part of work injury rehabilitation. It is a great way to ensure that patients can return to work safely, and with a reduced risk of re-injury.
The main goal of the work conditioning program is to restore your body’s functionality to the level allowing you to resume your duties and be able to perform all tasks related to your position. The therapists will focus on improving the endurance, strength, and physical flexibility to allow you safely return to the duties you performed prior to the accident.
The Work Conditioning Program usually lasts up to 4 weeks, with an allowance of an additional 2 weeks. That extra time may be required due to the severity of the case as well as the other factors, such as prior medical history, chronicity, obesity, etc.

While each program varies, and the exercises and practiced movements will be job-specific as well as depend on your disposition and circumstances of the injury, there are some key elements that remain at the core of each individual therapy.
- Sessions lasting 2-4 hours, attended 3-5 days per week
- Strong emphasis on work simulation tasks
- Strong effort on preventing future injuries, focused on teaching safe movement patterns as well as appropriate body mechanics
- Close assistance to the patient during the work conditioning program to successfully resume correct work behaviors, such as punctuality, attention focus, response to supervision, attendance, etc.
- Grading work simulation activities, enhancing patient’s confidence in their abilities and encouraging the application of the newly taught body mechanics changes
- Customizing all exercise toward improving strength, endurance, flexibility, and all functions is essential for the successful resumption of original duties. At the program completion the patient will be provided with a comprehensive home exercise program, tailored to their individual circumstances, to encourage and ensure a lasting success.