Is my forgetfulness normal?

Is my forgetfulness normal?

Many people worry about becoming forgetful as they age, thinking that it might be the first sign of Alzheimer’s disease, however, some forgetfulness can be a normal part of aging. Each of us sometimes forgets where we left our car keys, a phone, or a wallet. However,...
Tired or Sick?

Tired or Sick?

“Tired” is a nebulous word that covers a broad spectrum of levels of fatigue. A crucial distinction, however, is between regular fatigue and illness-related fatigue.   A common refrain during the COVID-19 pandemic is “I’m so tired.” Between concerns about health,...
How To Reduce Inflammation

How To Reduce Inflammation

One of the healthiest ways to reduce inflammation does not come from pharmacy shelves but from our own refrigerator. By following an anti-inflammatory diet you can fight off inflammation for good. “Many experimental studies have shown that components of foods or...