The Surprising Science of Happiness
Imagine two variants of your further life. The first one: you win the lottery, the second: you are completely paralyzed. What would make you happier?
Why is a massage the best Christmas gift?
Can you think of a single person you know who is not at least moderately stressed? Probably not. We all have a lot to deal with - from the everyday struggles of school, work, running a household, etc. as well as all the extraordinary troubles life brings. And although...
Shoulder pain – causes and treatment
The shoulder consists of several joints with the greatest range of motion in the human body. We are not aware of it, but it works almost all the time – when we walk, pick something up, read a book or browse the internet on the phone. No wonder that ailments from the shoulder joint are quite common and at the same time most annoying as they can make everyday activities very difficult. We rely on those versatile joints so much that both young people (especially those who practice sports ) and seniors complain about shoulder problems quite often.
Fibromyalgia is a general pain of the musculoskeletal system that lasts for at least 3 months. It may be accompanied by a feeling of tiredness, insomnia and stiffness in the lower body and the limbs.
Understanding Parkinson
Parkinson’s disease affects about one million Americans and about 4-6 million people worldwide. Although there is no treatment for Parkinson’s, specialized physical therapy can help to alleviate some bothersome symptoms. Read more.